今治タオルと今治産タオル生地の洋服 | シングファブリックスの公式オンラインストア


-The Abusolute Quality- 実績に裏付けされた絶対的な素材品質を持つ今治で培われたパイル地に新たな解釈を加え、 オリジナルファブリックを開発。 TPOにとらわれることなく、生活の隅々のシーンまで行きわたる洋服や小物を 新しい世界観で提案します。
-The Abusolute Quality- Imabari towel is renowned for the absolute quality of its materials, with a reputation backed by a long record of excellence. By creating the Thing Fabrics concept, we have added our own interpretation to the legacy cultivated in Imabari for the manufacture of pile fabrics. This ultimately led to the development of original fabrics. We offer clothing and accessories based on a fresh world view that is not tied to any particular type of occasion or context. The items we produce may be used in a wide variety of situations and contexts to fit with the user’s lifestyle needs.